
news/2024/10/5 5:24:27


using namespace std;

typedef struct Studnet { //初始化结构体变量

int ID;
double math_scores;
double english_scores;
double computer_scores;
double total_scores;


void Input_student_score(int size, Student* stu); //输入所有学生信息

void Output_student_score(Student s); //输出所有学生信息

void select_student(int ID, Student* stu, int size); //通过ID查找,输出学生信息

void update_student_score(int ID, int size, double math_scores, double english_scores,
double computer_scores, Student* stu); //通过ID查找,更新学生信息

void delete_student_score(int ID, int size, Student* stu); //通过ID查找,删除学生信息

int main()
int size;
cout << "Please input the number of students:" << endl;
cin >> size;

Student stu[10];	//定义一个足够数量的结构体数组Input_student_score(size, stu);	//开始输入学生信息while (true) {cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "输入: 1.查找学生信息 2.更新学生信息 3.删除学生信息	4.输出所有学生信息 5.退出系统" << endl;cout << "-" << endl;int choice;cin >> choice;switch (choice) {case 1:int ID;cout << "请输入要查找的学生ID:" << endl;cin >> ID;select_student(ID, stu, size);break;case 2:cout << "请输入要更新的学生ID:" << endl;cin >> ID;double math_scores, english_scores, computer_scores;cout << "请输入新的数学成绩:" << endl;cin >> math_scores;cout << "请输入新的英语成绩:" << endl;cin >> english_scores;cout << "请输入新的计算机成绩:" << endl;cin >> computer_scores;update_student_score(ID, size, math_scores, english_scores, computer_scores, stu);break;case 3:cout << "请输入要删除的学生ID:" << endl;cin >> ID;delete_student_score(ID, size, stu);break;case 4:for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {if (stu[i].ID!= 0) {Output_student_score(stu[i]);}}break;case 5:return 0;default:cout << "输入错误(或不符合规则),请重新输入!" << endl;break;}
}return 0;


void Input_student_score(int size, Student* stu)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cout << "Please input the ID of student " << i + 1 << ":" << endl;
cin >> stu[i].ID;
cout << "Please input the math scores of student " << i + 1 << ":" << endl;
cin >> stu[i].math_scores;
cout << "Please input the english scores of student " << i + 1 << ":" << endl;
cin >> stu[i].english_scores;
cout << "Please input the computer scores of student " << i + 1 << ":" << endl;
cin >> stu[i].computer_scores;
cout << endl << endl;
stu[i].total_scores = stu[i].math_scores + stu[i].english_scores + stu[i].computer_scores;

void Output_student_score(Student s)
cout << "ID:" << s.ID << endl;
cout << "Math Scores:" << s.math_scores << endl;
cout << "English Scores:" << s.english_scores << endl;
cout << "Computer Scores:" << s.computer_scores << endl;
cout << "Total Scores:" << s.total_scores << endl;

void select_student(int ID, Student* stu, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (stu[i].ID == ID) {

void update_student_score(int ID, int size, double math_scores, double english_scores,
double computer_scores, Student* stu)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (stu[i].ID == ID) {
stu[i].math_scores = math_scores;
stu[i].english_scores = english_scores;
stu[i].computer_scores = computer_scores;
stu[i].total_scores = math_scores + english_scores + computer_scores;

void delete_student_score(int ID, int size, Student* stu)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (stu[i].ID == ID) {
stu[i].ID = 0;
stu[i].math_scores = 0;
stu[i].english_scores = 0;
stu[i].computer_scores = 0;
stu[i].total_scores = 0;
return; //删除后,将该位置的ID置为0,其他信息不变





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